Fair Price

Starting the pricing at $0.20 gradually increasing until it caps at £5 for the 500th per 28 days from the first assessment.

This allows us to ensure that small startups pay very little, while larger enterprises contribute more, reflective of the value they derive and their capacity to pay.

1 match
per month
$0.20 avg. each
$0.20 in total
More effective communications
  • Gain insights into communication styles.
  • Enhance understanding of colleagues and clients.
  • Improve collaboration and reduce misunderstandings.
Managing team effectively
  • Assess team dynamics for better cohesion.
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement within the team.
  • Foster a productive and supportive work environment.
Hired 1-2 new people
  • Evaluate potential hires with precision.
  • Ensure new employees align with company culture.
  • Make confident hiring decisions to strengthen your team.
Effectively filled 5-7 positions
  • Successfully close multiple job openings.
  • Streamline the hiring process with data-driven decisions.
  • Build a high-performing team by selecting the best candidates.
Reduced time-to-hire and improved overall team performance
Scroll down to see the price changes
Get Started Today
Starting from just $0.20