Everything's Personal

Get Insights
Identify the right people, and minimise risk and cost in every connection.
By the way...

Up to 50% lays off

Within the First Year of Employment [1]

Hiring new people is extremely expensive. Especially when a new employee got fired during probation or a company lost a key contract due to a bad mood. Even that would be better than if some toxic employee ruined the team or even a business.

Turnover Cost Calculator

Estimate the total cost of terminating an employee.
Severance Pay
Payment for ending employment
3 months of salary
Recruitment Costs
Budget for hiring processes
15% of annual salary
Training Costs
Funds for onboarding
15% of annual salary
Productivity Loss
Initial non-profit period
3 months of salary
Total Loss


  • High turnover rates, up to nearly 50% of new hires getting fired in their first year.
  • Up to 20% of new hires get fired during their probation period.
  • The disruption caused by toxic employees could harm whole team morale and productivity.
  • The financial burden of rehiring, retraining, and lost opportunities.

Better Hiring Decisions

Know what to expect and minimise hiring risks and costs

Designed to be simple, our service equips you with essential knowledge, helping you predict potential outcomes in both personal and professional connections.

Whether you’re screening candidates or evaluating personal connections, get an instant, easy-to-understand score of compatibility.

Candidate Screening
Assess candidates’ compatibility with the team, ensuring a good cultural fit and effective collaboration.
Business Partners
Double-check potential partners to confirm compatibility, ensuring your relationship is effective, friendly, and respectful before making a deal.
HR Management
Manage teams more effectively by gaining insights into team dynamics and fostering a healthier work environment. Get tips on communication and conflict resolution.
Sales Strategies
Identify the best approach to communicate with clients and close deals by understanding their personal traits, needs, and preferred communication styles.

Ready to Boost your Business?

Join the growing community of users who trust us to help them make smarter connections, every day.
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Starting from just $0.20
By the way...

2 in 3 Personal Connections Fail

Wrong Choice Can Cost More Than It Seems [1][2]

Making personal connections, whether for work or personal life, can be risky. Choosing the wrong person can lead to a poor experience, whether it’s a hairdresser who isn’t aligned with your style, an advisor who doesn’t understand your goals, or a workplace that leaves you feeling out of place. These mismatches can cost you time, money, and peace of mind.

Selecting the wrong advisor, business partner, or even hairdresser can lead to stress, wasted time, and potential failure.
Joining a workplace that doesn’t align with your values or working style can cause dissatisfaction and stress.
Engaging with someone who doesn’t fit your needs can be emotionally draining and financially burdensome.
The consequences of a poor personal connection can impact your life, both professionally and personally.

Everything's Personal

Make informed decisions in personal and professional life

Designed to be simple, our service equips you with essential knowledge, helping you predict potential outcomes in both personal and professional connections.

Whether you’re screening candidates or evaluating personal connections, get an instant, easy-to-understand score of compatibility.

Discover compatibility in personal or business relationships for more effective and balanced communication.
Perfect Job
Gain insights into potential companies or teams and how they fit with your values and work style.
Find the best ways to communicate and understand the people around you, whether friends or colleagues.
Personal Growth
Reflect on your strengths and areas for growth to build stronger connections in all aspects of your life.

Ready to Choose Smarter?

Join the growing community of users who trust us to help them make smarter connections, every day.
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Starting from just $0.20

Deep Insights

How people and Peercise see someone’s profile differently.
Human perception
  • A personal identifier, often linked to first impressions.
Peercise insights
  • Cultural background, including ethnicity and socio-economic indicators.
  • Name's origin and its cultural significance.
Age / Photo
Human perception
  • An estimated age range or generation based on appearance.
Peercise insights
  • Key developmental periods and societal context during upbringing.
  • Generational influences on personality and values.
Human perception
  • Current job title and professional role.
Peercise insights
  • Psychological traits associated with the profession.
  • Skillsets, work habits, and typical stressors.
  • How this career impacts personality and lifestyle.
Experience / Roles
Human perception
  • Work history and achievements.
Peercise insights
  • Influence of professional networks and company culture on personal development.
  • Job environment's impact on self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.
  • Patterns in career choices reflecting personality traits.
Human perception
  • Degree, institution, and field of study.
Peercise insights
  • Influence of educational environment on identity formation.
  • Peer group dynamics and their role in shaping values and beliefs.
  • Long-term impact of academic culture on worldview.
Human perception
  • Interests and hobbies that suggest personality traits.
Peercise insights
  • Deep-seated values and intrinsic motivations.
  • Interests reflecting coping mechanisms and self-expression.
  • Alignment of activities with personality dimensions like openness or conscientiousness.
Human perception
  • Personal summary and self-presentation.
Peercise insights
  • Consistency between self-perception and behavioural patterns.
  • Language use revealing cognitive and emotional processes.
  • Insight into self-concept, confidence, and authenticity.

Backed by Science
Trusted by Users

We’ve studied numerous empirically supported personality assessment instruments, extracting the most effective elements from each. These insights have been fed into our machine learning algorithms to create a tool that delivers precise and actionable compatibility scores.

Behavioural Insights and Predictive Modelling

By integrating advanced behavioural insights with predictive modelling, our platform offers a comprehensive view of how individuals are likely to interact in specific environments, whether personal or professional.


Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York, NY: Plenum. Retrieved from
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne, 49(3), 182–185.
This theory emphasises intrinsic motivation and how the alignment of personal and professional goals drives behaviour and well-being. It's a cornerstone for understanding motivation in various contexts.
Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The Big Five personality dimensions and job performance: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 44(1), 1-26. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.1991.tb00688.x
This meta-analysis links the Big Five personality traits with job performance, showing the predictive power of personality assessments in workplace settings.
Hogan, R., & Hogan, J. (1995). Hogan Personality Inventory Manual. Hogan Assessment Systems.
The Hogan Personality Inventory is widely used in organisational settings to predict job performance and is supported by extensive research.
Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087
This study introduces the concept of grit, which is essential for predicting long-term success in both personal and professional domains.
Goleman, D. (1998). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 93-102. PMID: 10187249.
Goleman’s work on emotional intelligence shows its critical role in leadership effectiveness, making it a key element in assessing interpersonal dynamics.
Chatman, J. A. (1991). Matching people and organizations: Selection and socialization in public accounting firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(3), 459–484.
This study highlights the importance of cultural fit between individuals and organisations, a crucial factor in predicting job satisfaction and performance.
Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263–291.
This foundational work in behavioural economics provides insight into how people make decisions, particularly under conditions of uncertainty, relevant to both personal and professional contexts.
Kristof-Brown, A. L., Zimmerman, R. D., & Johnson, E. C. (2005). Consequences of individual's fit at work: A meta-analysis of person-job, person-organization, person-group, and person-supervisor fit. Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 281–342.
This meta-analysis examines how the fit between a person and their work environment predicts outcomes like job satisfaction, performance, and turnover.
Mobley, W. H. (1977). Intermediate linkages in the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62(2), 237–240.
This study explores the intermediate factors that link job satisfaction to employee turnover, a crucial consideration in HR management.
Bandura, A., & National Inst of Mental Health. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory emphasises the role of observational learning, social experiences, and reciprocal determinism in shaping behaviour, relevant to both personal growth and professional development.

Listen to Your Heart

Peercise is not an answer. It’s a tool that equips you with essential knowledge, helping you predict and potentially avoid unwanted outcomes in your interactions with others.

You can, however, trust your instincts about people. And in fact one of the most common mistakes young founders make is not to do that enough. They get involved with people who seem impressive, but about whom they feel some misgivings personally. Later when things blow up they say "I knew there was something off about him, but I ignored it because he seemed so impressive."

If you're thinking about getting involved with someone — as a cofounder, an employee, an investor, or an acquirer — and you have misgivings about them, trust your gut. If someone seems slippery, or bogus, or a jerk, don't ignore it.

Y Combinator
October 2014
Before the Startup
by Paul Graham, Computer scientist and one of the founders of Y Combinator


How does the compatibility index work?
The compatibility index reflects the compatibility between individuals, or between an individual and an organisation or group of people. It’s calculated using a combination of psychological theories and machine learning algorithms, providing a reliable prediction of how well two parties are likely to interact.
Is this suitable for both personal and business use?
Absolutely. Our platform is designed to be versatile, offering valuable insights whether you’re making decisions in a business context like hiring or team management, or in your personal life such as evaluating relationships or personal development.
How is the science behind the tool validated?
Our platform is grounded in well-established psychological theories. We’ve integrated findings from numerous empirical studies into our algorithms, ensuring that the insights you receive are based on proven scientific principles. You can find some of them in the reference section.
What are the pricing options?
We offer a graduated pricing model starting at just $0.20 per assessment, with a cap at $5 when you reach 500 assessments within 28 days from your first assessment. After 28 days, the counter resets. This makes it accessible for individuals and small businesses, while larger enterprises contribute more, reflective of the value they derive and their capacity to pay.
How do I get started?
Simply sign up, select a profile, and get instant results. No complicated setup or training is required.
Can I trust the results?
Yes, our match scores and insights are derived from robust scientific methodologies and are designed to offer reliable predictions. While no tool can guarantee outcomes, our platform significantly reduces the uncertainty in decision-making by providing data-driven insights. However, always listen to your heart, and if something gives you doubts, it's better to consult with people you trust.
What if I need help using the platform?
We offer a comprehensive help section and customer support to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. Our team is here to ensure you get the most out of our platform.
How often should I use the assessments?
It depends on your needs. For ongoing relationships, periodic reassessments can help track changes over time. For one-time decisions, a single assessment might be sufficient. We recommend using the tool whenever you face significant decisions regarding compatibility, relationship dynamics, or to double-check and reassure decisions and connections that have already been made.
Is my data secure?
Yes, we take data security seriously. All your data is encrypted and stored securely, and we comply with the latest data protection regulations to ensure your privacy is maintained. Additionally, you should know that this data is useless to third parties as it only makes sense when comparing two parties simultaneously. It doesn’t provide a one-sided assessment.

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